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Frame Size: | 21.25 x 16.25 in. |
Collagraph Print (1/5)
The collagraph Albus is a more traditional representation of the Green Man, or "foliate headâ of the British Isles. Dense forests of Oak once covered most of Northern Europe and the tree's human-like attributes of trunk/body, branches/arms, twigs/fingers, and sap/blood may explain what made them sacred and subjects of worship to the Gaelic people whose Druid priests performed all their religious rites in Oak groves.
When Christianity eventually came to Ireland, Scotland and England, Christian churches were often built in Oak groves, probably because they were already recognized as places of worship.
This association of place between old and new religions may explain the carved decorative and enduring interpretations of pagan nature spirits within sacred Christian spaces through time. These images are now recognized as the Green Man.