We apologize for the inconvenience of not posting prices. Many of our artists don’t allow us to publish prices. We are working with our artists to ultimately have prices on the web site and until then you can inquire by email and we will answer as quickly as possible.
If you are looking to compare prices of works we have to a comparable work you own, or if you are just doing research, we encourage you to contact us through the regular contact form HERE and we will see if we can help.
drypoint etching with collage
I enjoy the process of using dry point etching (carving into a plexiglass plate) as a beginning. I then expand on the image with the use of collage (added to the print after it has been created) and also chine collé which is the exciting process of adding additional collage elements to the top of my inked and carved etching plate. Then I make a layered print of it by running it through my etching press. I never really know what the final image will be until I pull the print and lo and behold...
Susan Gross