We apologize for the inconvenience of not posting prices. Many of our artists don’t allow us to publish prices. We are working with our artists to ultimately have prices on the web site and until then you can inquire by email and we will answer as quickly as possible.
If you are looking to compare prices of works we have to a comparable work you own, or if you are just doing research, we encourage you to contact us through the regular contact form HERE and we will see if we can help.
clay presses with bark
Jane Neubauer. Pressing live flowers, ferns, and leaves into clay allow Jane to combine two passions â plants indigenous to our ecosystem and playing with clay. It is especially exciting to take the slab of clay and lay it against the bark of the tree. Feels like a bit of tree energy moves into the clay piece. This vase is Douglas Fir on one side and Cedar on the other side. The vase is happy with flowers, greens, or dried flowers. Stained to enhance the image and sealed inside to hold water.