We apologize for the inconvenience of not posting prices. Many of our artists don’t allow us to publish prices. We are working with our artists to ultimately have prices on the web site and until then you can inquire by email and we will answer as quickly as possible.
If you are looking to compare prices of works we have to a comparable work you own, or if you are just doing research, we encourage you to contact us through the regular contact form HERE and we will see if we can help.
120mm film photography (print)
These works are each individual pieces, but I feel they encapsulate some of the prime emotions many have been feeling since Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, anger, anxiety, and hope. I think all of these emotions are important in our fight to regain our healthcare as child-bearing people and each has its place. The future is uncertain and while many cannot get access to the care that is necessary it is important not just to feel this stir of emotions, but to use them to motivate action and change for the better.
Morgan Grimes